Download Axure RP 10

Axure RP

August 1, 2024

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed right [Alt] key firing for Polish keyboards
  • Fixed discoloration when optimizing PNG images
  • Fixed clearing shared activation key from RP not working
  • Fixed case names wrapping unnecessarily in the case selector in preview
  • Fixed loop interactions with Fire Event not appearing in the preview console
  • Fixed Distribute Horizontal not appearing when RP window was minimized
  • Fixed replacing highlighted text in the text editor using Insert Variable or Function
  • Fixed tabbing through droplists in the Condition Builder not saving the correct values
  • Fixed outer shadow color changing when opening the color picker while multiple widgets are selected
  • Fixed page thumbnails not updating after using Add to Pages from the Components pane
  • Fixed exception when hovering over unnamed widgets nested inside Repeaters in the Outline pane
  • Fixed text showing on widget preview when using one-click connector mode
  • Fixed shape selector appearing when drawing a new connector and attaching it to a new connector point on a shape

Axure RP

May 14, 2024

Feature Updates

  • Easily share a link without an embedded access code
  • Align widgets relative to their parent container

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Potential fix for rendering issues in the Style and Interaction panes on macOS
  • Fixed filter lists not auto-adjusting to searched item on macOS
  • Fixed rendering of images with border and corner radius on macOS
  • Fixed issue where deleting a component deleted the selected widget instead on macOS
  • Fixed text color of publish error messages when switching from light/dark mode
  • Fixed disabled buttons still working in Team Project dialogs

Axure RP

March 20, 2024

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed non team projects appearing in the Get Team Project dialog
  • Fixed Dynamic Panels moving to an unexpected location when auto-nesting within a panel
  • Changed nesting behavior of Dynamic Panels to not deep-select by default

Axure RP

February 15, 2024

Feature Updates

  • When inserting a Dynamic Panel, hold [Cmd]/[Ctrl] while drawing to nest widgets inside the panel
  • Measure the distance between a widget and its parent panel state (or page) by selecting a widget, holding down [Option]/[Alt], and moving the cursor into an empty area

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed error around Dynamic Panels when states of the panel extended past the height of the RP editor
  • Fixed error editing global variables when project had no pages
  • Fixed incorrect cursor when editing text on Mac

Axure RP

January 24, 2024

Feature Updates

  • Selection Box Mode [V]: Press [V] to put you in a mode where dragging on top of a widget will create a selection rectangle instead of moving it
  • Publish Project dialog now shows joinable workspaces from Axure Cloud organizations

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed multi-selection with Deep Select keyboard shortcut [Cmd]/[Ctrl]+ [Opt]/[Alt]
  • Fixed dragging widgets into a Dynamic Panel with Deep Select keyboard shortcut
  • Fixed exception using [Cmd] + [Z] twice to undo fill selector on Mac
  • Fixed copying/pasting Raised Events on widgets inside Dynamic Panels
  • Fixed missing panel name when using Set Panel State action set to Stop Repeating
  • Fixed Set Panel State interaction missing the Dynamic Panel target
  • Fixed incorrect font color in child adaptive views if widget was inside a Component
  • Fixed Component view condition not being met with Component overrides
  • Fixed Focused style effect not working correctly when the widget was inside a Repeater
  • Fixed edit points cursor not appearing when hovering over a custom shape
  • Fixed alignment on case picker popup for widgets further down on the page
  • Fixed alignment of edit text/value dialog when resizing on Windows
  • Fixed MouseOver style effect and Move action with cursor x,y values not working when applied to a newly added row in an empty Repeater

Axure RP

November 28, 2023

Global Variable Dialog Updates

  • Added search
  • Multi-select variables and drag to reorder
  • Added keyboard shortcuts and right-click menu to duplicate, move up/down, and delete

Condition Builder Updates

  • Fixed tabbing between fields
  • Made dropdowns consistent

Other Feature Updates

  • Edit Value Dialog: Clicking Add Local Variable will now set focus to the local variable name text field
  • Improved visual accessibility of the focused style for primary buttons

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed creating workspace from Create Team Project dialog
  • Fixed pasting into the Add Rows interaction dataset on Windows
  • Fixed deep select not working when using contained mode and selecting widget in a Group
  • Fixed deep select not working when selecting widget in a Dynamic Panel
  • Enhancements for deep select to show outline around the entire selected Group
  • Fixed position of case picker popup when clicking on the right edge of the prototype screen
  • Fixed issue where mousing over shapes would show the vector point editing cursor instead of the default cursor
  • Fixed issue where using the up and down arrow keys on width/height fields did not maintain aspect ratio
  • Updated jquery library for prototype generation to version 3.7.1

Axure RP

November 7, 2023

Feature Updates

  • Ability to search for variables when configuring a Set Variable Value action

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed error pressing [I] shortcut key with linear or radial gradients
  • Fixed error changing panel states when panel container exceeds the height of the RP editor
  • Fixed slide animation on a Dynamic Panel state change causing the page to scroll to the top
  • Fixed Resized/Move all widgets working inconsistently when working with Dynamic Panels
  • Fixed page refreshing twice in the prototype player when switching pages
  • Fixed style effects not appearing immediately in Interactions pane when pasting a style onto a widget
  • Fixed newly-added global variables reverting when switching pages in the output
  • Fixed hidden parent Group getting hidden when selecting inside a hidden child Group
  • Fixed Share Link dialog not reporting the current page if page was already checked in
  • Fixed team project not opening automatically on Mac after getting a new, local copy if there was no opened file
  • Fixed missing pages in team projects after checking in when another local copy had deleted and added a page
  • Fixed undo in the Pages or Components pane not undoing the entire action after pasting multiple items
  • Truncated long case names on smaller mobile views
  • Updated Generate Specification and CSV dialogs with full width containers for easier page selection

Axure RP

October 4, 2023

Feature Updates

  • New message in Publish dialog when a project’s share link has been deleted

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed eyedropper cursor not appearing after opening color picker and using [I] shortcut key
  • Fixed color picker incorrectly applying after pressing [Esc] when page or Dynamic Panel background was selected
  • Fixed panning to Dynamic Panel when its state was selected in the Outline pane
  • Fixed maintaining targets of interactions when using keyboard shortcut to drag a widget outside of a Dynamic Panel
  • Fixed pasting text into the “Add Rows” interaction
  • Fixed On-Prem instances with long server names not truncating properly in publish growl for access code projects

Axure RP

September 5, 2023

Feature Updates

  • Directly link to the current page you have open in Axure RP after publishing to Axure Cloud
  • Ability to easily view the last published time and Axure Cloud links for projects
  • Added expand/collapse all in the Pages, Components, and Interactions panes

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed [Option]/[Alt] triggering deep select in Groups
  • Fixed [Shift] + [Mouse wheel scroll] not scrolling horizontally in panes on Windows
  • Fixed expand/collapse all not working in All States View
  • Fixed SVGs without certain attributes not appearing in Preview
  • Improved text color of Repeater column names on a checked in page
  • Fixed team project upgrade not working if Team Projects folder was missing

Axure RP

August 8, 2023

Feature Updates

  • New [I] single key shortcut to enter color picker/eyedropper mode for faster color selection on your computer’s screen
  • Hold [Shift] to maintain proportions while cropping an image
  • Pan the canvas using mouse wheel click + drag
  • Double-clicking near a widget’s border will enter text editing mode, instead of shape editing mode
  • Select the widget associated with a note via the page’s Notes pane
  • Getting a team project on Windows will open the project in a new window of RP

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed error when page height field was left blank in Custom Dimensions
  • Fixed Show All/Hide All not persisting when making a multi-selection of the same widget type
  • Fixed bullets not working correctly when pressing [Enter] to insert a bullet on an existing bullet list
  • Fixed hidden widgets unable to be set to Selected if Fit to Text was enabled on the widget
  • Fixed Interaction Editor not selecting an action when clicking on an action without an event
  • Fixed some keyboard shortcuts not working on the selected widget after clicking Select target on Windows
  • Fixed overrides in nested Components breaking Dynamic Panel state change interactions
  • Fixed incorrect text in Set Panel State target list after configuring the action
  • Fixed ItemLoaded interactions not registering in the Preview Console
  • Fixed error when pressing [Tab] adding an ACB or OnPrem server in Manage Accounts dialog
  • Fixed accounts not saving when closing the Manage Accounts dialog 

Axure RP

June 12, 2023

Connector Updates

  • Single-click a connector point to add a new connector and matching shape
  • Use [Cmd]/[Ctrl] + [Opt]/[Alt] + [Shift] + [Arrow] to quickly add connector and shape to selected widget
  • Add new connector points along the edge of the starting or ending shape when drawing a connector
  • Ability to select the next shape when drawing a connector that doesn’t end on an existing shape
  • New connector point styling

More Updates

  • Updated sign in dialog when connecting to Axure Cloud for Business or OnPrem instances with SSO
  • Publishing a project with an access code will show updated public share links with the hashed access code embedded in the URL

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed error when holding [Shift] and selecting column header in Repeater dataset on Windows
  • Fixed all states of Dynamic Panel being visible in Preview when empty Repeater was on the page

Axure RP

April 26, 2023

Repeater Updates

  • Import multiple images at once via cell/column context menu
  • Paste multiple images/text from clipboard into multiple cells at once
  • Pasting onto a column header now pastes into the cells below
  • Added option to Paste with Column Names via the column context menu
  • Cut, copy, paste, and clear via the dataset context menu
  • Use [Cmd]/[Ctrl] + [A] to easily select all cells in dataset
  • Hold [Cmd]/[Ctrl] and click to select multiple non-adjacent columns/rows
  • Sort dataset via the column’s context menu
  • Drag to move multiple adjacent columns/rows in the dataset
  • Added option to optimize images after import via dataset context menu
  • Updated UI in the Add Row dialog

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed error when assigning a submit button through the context menu
  • Fixed incorrect resizing in style effects when Fit to Text Height with line spacing was applied on a widget
  • Fixed copy and paste from one panel state to another not maintaining position in All States View
  • Fixed Dynamic Panel in Groups flickering with Window Scrolled Up/Down interactions
  • Fixed push/pull scrolling page to the top when widgets were in a Group
  • Fixed extra row being added when copying and pasting data from Excel to a Repeater dataset on Windows

Axure RP

March 28, 2023

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed error deleting a state when Dynamic Panel is filtered out in the Outline
  • Fixed error deleting Dynamic Panel state containing a Repeater
  • Fixed error deleting Dynamic Panel state when bottom of the panel was not visible on the canvas
  • Fixed flip animation on a Dynamic Panel state change causing the page to scroll to the top
  • Fixed issue with interactions not working in preview when Components containing Repeaters with overrides were on the page
  • Fixed child adaptive views not showing widgets in Component views when overrides were used
  • Fixed issue with interactions not working in locally generated HTML when using Inline Frames to target another page within the project
  • Fixed issue with Open Link interactions not working when navigating to a page within the project in locally generated HTML
  • Fixed exception opening link in frame to the current page
  • Reverted a change that enabled targeting repeater rows from within another repeater in order to improve repeater interactions
  • Fixed hard crash on Macs when saving and exiting a widget library file before the widget library was updated
  • Fixed retaining mixed border visibility on shapes when importing using Figma plugin

Axure RP

February 23, 2023

Feature Updates

  • Added ability to rearrange targets within an action in the Interactions pane
  • Target selection border on the canvas now appears immediately when opening the target selection droplist
  • Added new button to select widgets that are targeted by an interaction
  • Added new button to open a project page in Axure RP when an Open Link interaction targets that page
  • Dynamic Panel states now show thumbnail previews on hover when configuring Set Panel State interactions
  • Image optimization improvements
  • Added context menu option to optimize fill images for shape widgets
  • Added back/forward buttons in the Tab bar to easily navigate between recently accessed pages and Components
  • Added new [`] single key shortcut to easily toggle between selection modes
  • Added the Open New Window option in the file menu or taskbar (Windows only)
  • Updated empty state of Condition Builder
  • Added ability to duplicate using [Cmd]/[Ctrl] + [D] when focus is in the Outline pane
  • Added an expand/collapse all button in the Outline pane
  • Added option to expand or collapse all pages/folders in the prototype player
  • Easily access troubleshooting logs directly from the Help menu
  • New help link for working with interactions for all users

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed error adding a state in All States View while Outline pane is hidden on Windows
  • Fixed Dynamic Panel getting into a bad state after adding a state with Outline pane hidden in All States View
  • Fixed Dynamic Panel name field appearing offset when viewing all states and working with different zoom settings
  • Fixed widgets pasting into the negative region of an empty panel state
  • Fixed error selecting Has Interactions filter when selecting a target widget
  • Fixed error with Submit Button dropdown in Interactions pane when using text field widgets
  • Fixed issue where deleting an interaction in the Interaction Editor dialog deleted all interactions
  • Fixed “Has Name” filter when targeting a widget in the Condition Builder
  • Fixed “Has Name” filter showing text widgets without user added names
  • Fixed error closing Axure RP when text editor still has focus after renaming cases
  • Fixed Delete Rows interaction not working when triggering it from a widget inside another Repeater
  • Fixed issues with push/pull working incorrectly in some file setups
  • Fixed widget size reporting incorrectly when working with text overrides and Components
  • Fixed issue with text input field not appearing when switching from “is” to “equals” in the Condition Builder
  • Fixed error when republishing a file with a special character on Mac
  • Fixed error using [Cmd]/[Ctrl] + [C] in Outline with page name selected
  • Fixed RP 8 showing as all versions when replacing a project
  • Fixed loading Axure RP 8 libraries
  • Fixed crop area resetting when panning on canvas using [Space]
  • Toggling visibility of panes now retains their collapsed/expanded states

Axure RP

November 15, 2022

Dynamic Panel Updates

  • Use [Cmd]+[Option]/[Ctrl]+[Alt] while resizing a Dynamic Panel or Group to ignore widget resizing constraints
  • New top bar in All States View allows renaming Dynamic Panels and managing panel states
  • Copy and paste states in and out of Dynamic Panels
  • Reorder Dynamic Panel states while in all states view

Interaction Editor Updates

  • Push/pull distance shows in the Interactions pane when a distance for the show/hide interaction is set
  • Dynamic panel states dropdown now automatically opens when configuring a Set Panel State action
  • Event list now automatically opens when a target widget is selected using the Fire Events action
  • Added a button in the target droplist to scroll to the current Dynamic Panel state
  • New keyboard shortcut to create hyperlinks [Cmd]/Ctrl] + [K]

Outline Pane Updates

  • Duplicated Groups, Folders, and Dynamic Panels will retain their expanded/collapsed states
  • Added a filter to show widgets with interactions

More Updates

  • Upgrade your RP 8 and RP 9 team projects by opening them from the Get Team Project dialog
  • Team project link URLs are now visible after sending all changes through the Publish to Cloud dialog
  • New ability to enable share links for team projects directly from Axure RP
  • Workspace icons updated in the Publish to Cloud dialog
  • Lock and Unlock Location and Size commands combined into one toggle command [Cmd]/[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [K]
  • Shift nudges will snap to the grid when widgets pass a grid point (if Snap to Grid is enabled)
  • New ability to define the shift nudge distance in the Preferences dialog

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed Check for Updates dialog continually loading when checking for updates
  • Fixed library drop list search filter not returning results
  • Fixed edit location and size keyboard shortcut error when location field is hidden in the overflow menu
  • Fixed Dynamic Panel tooltips appearing on screen after using keyboard shortcuts on Mac
  • Fixed error undoing changes to panel state names in the panel state selector
  • Fixed errors around duplicating Dynamic Panels
  • Fixed issue with Has Name filter not appearing in the Outline pane after changing widget name
  • Fixed focus switching to Outline pane when renaming states in All States View
  • Fixed text cursor misplacement when using search in the Pages, Library, and Components panes on Windows
  • Fixed hard line break error when adding hyperlinked text and non-hyperlinked text within the same widget
  • Fixed slow pinch to zoom issue on Chrome/Edge on Macs
  • Fixed shift nudge changes not being applied until Axure RP is rerun
  • Fixed shift nudge setting not being utilized when snap to grid is enabled
  • Fixed image fill button displaying as gray when filled with an SVG
  • Fixed Axure RP 10 freezing on launch when activated with a site.key through silent installation
  • Fixed page selection appearing enabled in team project generators that are not currently checked out
  • Fixed text cursor jumping to the front when inputting large numbers or when using math calculations for X,Y,W,H values

Axure RP

August 22, 2022

Feature Updates

  • New ability to share files and get help from Axure Support by publishing to Axure Cloud from the Contact Support dialog
  • New ability to paste to replace widgets on the canvas using Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V(Win) and Cmd+Opt+Shift+V (Mac).
  • Folders that do not include the currently selected page are now collapsed by default in the sitemap of the prototype player
  • Adding a new condition to a Key Up or Down event defaults to the key pressed condition
  • Common events appear at the top of the Events list when adding interactions to form widgets
  • New buttons make it easy to toggle cases between If and Else If in the Interactions pane
  • Image fill selector includes button to paste image currently on clipboard
  • Updated design of Color Picker to show that it can be moved

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed style effect line color of selected checkbox/radio button not showing with color picker
  • Fixed style effect font color of selected checkboxes not showing on load in the HTML
  • Fixed disabled styles not showing for widgets in dynamic panels nested in a disabled group
  • Fixed lightbox background not showing on mobile devices when used inside a component
  • Fixed pinned RP shortcut icon breaking in the Windows taskbar after running the build updater
  • Fixed opacity slider not moving to 100% in color pickers on Windows
  • Fixed text cursor not showing in the Edit Rich Text dialog from dark mode on Mac
  • Fixed icon alignment for Update/Create style button
  • Fixed padding on sitemap button in prototype player
  • Fixed using “My folder” when running a checked out generator in a team project
  • Fixed bugs where widgets with resizing constraints move or resize unexpectedly when resizing their group

Axure RP

July 13, 2022

Feature Updates

  • New prototyping templates: Select from 3 new templates to jumpstart your next project
  • New Prototyping Basics file available from the Welcome Screen and Help menu to help new users learn the basics of RP with hands-on exercises
  • Form widgets added via Insert menu match the styling and style effects of forms from the Default library
  • Currently selected color is used as the first color stop when switching from solid to gradient in the color picker

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed scale to width in prototype player for auto sized pages with widgets in negative regions
  • Fixed the error loading dialog not showing when opening corrupted files in RP
  • Fixed widgets being removed from component when breaking away the parent dynamic panel state

Axure RP

June 15, 2022

Feature Updates

  • New Widget Snap will prefer showing equal distance guides for widgets closer to the dragged widget.
  • New Console Improvements:
    • Trace automatically starts when the console pane is expanded for the first time in previewed files
    • Console trace indicates when no conditions on an event are being met in preview
    • Repeating interactions are grouped together in the console trace

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Prevented UI panes from accidentally undocking too easily
  • Fixed issue using set opacity action to target a group in the HTML
  • Fixed repeater column names not updating correctly in add sort action after editing the column name
  • Fixed incorrect fill size on autofit text in the HTML when using style effects to adjust font size or weight
  • Fixed Loaded event on repeaters preventing any other loaded events from showing in the console trace
  • Fixed repeater Item Loaded interactions appearing in the wrong part of the console trace

Axure RP

June 1, 2022

Feature Updates

  • New Widget Snap Enhancement: Moving widgets on canvas will now snap to position when widgets are equal in distance.
  • Easily upgrade team projects from RP 8 to RP 10 and keep the same Axure Cloud prototype link by opening the RP 8 team file in 10 and choosing to upgrade
  • Full text values are visible in the Interactions pane when used in conditions
  • More text is visible in the Interactions pane when showing long set text interactions
  • Easily duplicate interactions with the new [Cmd]/[Ctrl]+[D] shortcut in the Interactions pane
  • Visibility of grid and guides can now be toggled in the Preferences dialog
  • Set grid size as low as 4px in the Preferences dialog

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Prevented errors or crashes after closing RP files on Apple Silicon Macs
  • Fixed errors after pressing Escape key while adding a set adaptive view interaction
  • Fixed an error moving or undoing changes to overlapping connectors
  • Fixed connectors breaking when moving them outside of a dynamic panel
  • Fixed connectors reflowing incorrectly when converting them into a dynamic panel
  • Fixed ability to drag actions to an empty event in the Interactions pane
  • Fixed pushing widgets below when showing a pinned dynamic panel in the HTML
  • Fixed old widget outline still showing on the canvas after intersecting multiple widgets

Axure RP

May 05, 2022

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed issue causing hard crash of RP 10 on launch for some users on builds 3867-3870

Axure RP

May 03, 2022

Feature Updates

  • New share link option in the publishing confirmation dialog offers a default view of comments and additional pages of your prototype for easy stakeholder feedback
  • Updated and refreshed UI style applied to the local prototype player in preview and generated HTML

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed error pressing enter from the generators dialog with nothing selected
  • Fixed SVGs showing a white background on the canvas on Mac
  • Fixed issue moving multiple interactions at once when dragging them
  • Fixed ability to edit case names while expanded in the Interactions pane
  • Fixed dragging vertical scrollbars to scroll checked in team project pages on Windows
  • Fixed push/pull actions from state change of dynamic panels pinned to center or right of browser

Axure RP

April 11, 2022

Feature Updates

  • Quickly add sticky notes from the Insert menu in the toolbar or with the [M] shortcut
  • Line color is now one of the default settings visible when configuring style effects
  • Three-digit notation is now supported in hex code color input fields
  • Added common conditions in the Condition Builder for groups and hot spots
  • Thumbnails for SVGs in image folders appear in the Library pane
  • Notes are retained in the Publish to Cloud dialog after closing the dialog without publishing

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed error copying page style properties after deleting style in the Page Style Manager dialog
  • Fixed flip animation on a dynamic panel state change causing the page to scroll to the top
  • Fixed issue with Assistant font showing incorrect font weights in the HTML on Windows

Axure RP

March 07, 2022

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed dynamic panel content not saving correctly when panel is converted to a component
  • Fixed error converting to a component while a text link is currently selected on Windows
  • Fixed issue dragging to resize a dynamic panel after converting widgets to panel

Axure RP

February 22, 2022

Feature Updates

  • Enhanced Duplicate: You can now duplicate widgets with consistent spacing.
  • When duplicating a widget using [CTRL]/[CMD] + [D] or [CTRL]/[OPT] + Drag Selection, RP will remember the distance you moved the duplicate widget from the original. Any subsequent duplications after that will place the selected widget the same distance until the widget is deselected.
  • If you’re editing text during subsequent duplications, you will remain in text edit mode.

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed Libraries pane moving with mouse after adding widgets while it is undocked on Windows
  • Fixed duplicate image folders preventing all libraries from loading in RP
  • Fixed errors when scrolling through or dragging from an updated widget library as it refreshes
  • Fixed errors tabbing between component override fields in the Interactions pane
  • Fixed errors when switching widget fills between solid and gradient
  • Fixed error pasting a selection including a locked dynamic panel with widget notes
  • Fixed preserve corners distorting images when applied to widgets on MacOS 11 or 12
  • Fixed connectors breaking when moving them outside of a dynamic panel
  • Fixed connectors reflowing incorrectly when converting them into a dynamic panel

Axure RP

January 13, 2022

Feature Updates

  • Upgraded to .NET 6 for improved performance

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed changes to hint text not saving on text fields when the Interactions pane is undocked
  • Fixed color dropper to allow selecting colors from different panel states in all states view
  • Fixed widgets moving unexpectedly after dragging or copying them via the Outline pane in all states view
  • Fixed hidden nested groups showing on the canvas while a hidden parent group is selected
  • Fixed bug generating word specifications with spaces in file name on Windows
  • Fixed bug that incorrectly showed trial users in an expired state

Axure RP

December 14, 2021

Feature Updates

  • The style toolbar is now dynamic and provides access to all widget specific style properties from the toolbar (to turn on the style toolbar, go to “View > Toolbars > Style Toolbar”)
  • Dynamic panel toolbar has an updated design and is now draggable Learn More
  • All states view offers horizontal or vertical state layouts in addition to automatic layout
  • Quickly enter the all states view of a selected panel with the Cmd+Enter (Mac) or Ctrl+Enter (Win) shortcut
  • Switch states of a selected dynamic panel on the canvas using the [ or ] keys
  • Cmd+Alt (Mac) or Ctrl+Alt (Win) to drag a widget from the library or canvas directly into a dynamic panel
  • Single-click to exit panel when nothing is selected or double-click to exit if widget is selected
  • Slow clicking over a dynamic panel allows for selecting widgets behind the panel
  • Updated the masks for dynamic panels, repeaters, and components (turn off via View > Masks menu)
  • Isolate button will temporarily hide other widgets on the canvas while editing a repeater
  • When groups are selected, pasting will paste directly into the group
  • Enter key will trigger crop action on image while in crop mode
  • Added visual drag handles and collapse/expand buttons to Panes
  • Updated mobile device options for preset Page Dimensions

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed nested hidden groups showing on the canvas after moving or copy and paste
  • Fixed Alt key not showing distance guides when hovering over a dynamic panel
  • Fixed global variable name changes not updating correctly in the prototype console
  • Fixed repeater row actions changing from This to Rule after copy and paste
  • Fixed simple repeater filters using [[TargetItem]] resetting to use [[Item]]
  • Fixed time, date, and month text fields storing input as hint text in the HTML
  • Fixed issue preventing typing into a date text field with hint style in the HTML
  • Fixed Text Changed interaction not firing with stepper arrows on number text fields in the HTML
  • Fixed radio button clearing selection after clicking a disabled button in the same radio group
  • Fixed custom widget style names “selected”, “error”, or “disabled” conflicting with style effects in the HTML

Axure RP

November 10, 2021

Feature Updates

  • ‘Fit to Text’ widgets inside Components now automatically adjust to override text
  • Selection of Show All button for properties in the Interactions pane persists across widgets
  • Ctrl (Win) or Cmd (Mac) key allows for normal multi-select
  • Ctrl+Alt (Win) or Cmd+Opt (Mac) shortcuts deep select widgets in groups or panels
  • Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Win) or Cmd+Opt+Shift (Mac) multi-selects widgets in groups or across dynamic panel states

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Improved memory usage while zooming and scrolling the canvas on Apple Silicon Macs
  • Fixed error closing out of publish dialog after deselecting pages to generate
  • Fixed errors interacting with Library pane while a library is refreshing
  • Fixed errors opening a file on Windows if the current file used widget note fieldsets
  • Fixed an error moving or undoing changes to overlapping connectors
  • Fixed visual artifacts with connectors after undoing moves or deleting duplicate widgets
  • Fixed arrowheads on straight connectors rendering incorrectly in the HTML
  • Fixed setting a variable to Cursor.x or Cursor.y values
  • Fixed MouseDown style effect not working without MouseOver effect on shapes in the HTML
  • Fixed using Move event to re-enable disabled widgets in the HTML
  • Fixed issues applying a widget style in the HTML if the style name includes a comma

Axure RP

September 29, 2021

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed hard crashes after using color dropper to select colors on Windows

Axure RP

September 27, 2021

Feature Updates

  • Easily create and apply a new style from a selected widget via the Style pane

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed image overrides of SVGs not working on components in the HTML
  • Fixed errors or hard crash adding a square 28px image as an icon in a widget library
  • Fixed error using copy shortcut while focus is on repeater dataset
  • Fixed connectors reflowing incorrectly after moving selection of connected widgets
  • Fixed issues with connectors reflowing incorrectly after deleting connected widgets
  • Fixed text not aligning correctly after moving a straight connector
  • Fixed long click event firing on disabled widgets in the HTML
  • Fixed issue viewing list items in the HTML when using light text color on a droplist on Windows
  • Fixed issues resizing with non-left anchors on shapes with shadows in the HTML
  • Fixed issue using a font with an apostrophe in its name in the HTML
  • Fixed moving a pin to browser panel on window scroll on iOS

Axure RP

September 8, 2021

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed a memory leak from opening legacy RP files
  • Fixed memory leaks for non-modal dialogs
  • Fixed memory leak generating Word Docs with screenshots of very large pages or widgets
  • Fixed error reopening the Check for Updates dialog after closing it
  • Fixed scroll to widget action not firing on a Panel State Changed event in the HTML
  • Fixed SVG fills on rounded shapes losing transparency when published to Cloud
  • Fixed context menu not showing on panes placed on external monitor
  • Prevented error adding text link to a text block with line breaks on Windows
  • Fixed issue with bullet alignment when changing text line spacing on Windows
  • Fixed issue preventing a new file from opening on Mac while the Cloud publishing notification is open

Axure RP

August 17, 2021

Feature Updates

  • Ruler now shows a selection color whenever widgets are selected on the canvas

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Improved performance scrolling in the interactions pane with lots of show/hide interactions
  • Fixed dynamic panel state name moving when editing it while zoomed in all states view
  • Fixed issue adding widget to selection with Shift + Click if widget is on top of selected panel
  • Fixed issue using spaces when searching prototype page names in the HTML
  • Fixed adaptive views not changing in the HTML if page names include non-Latin characters
  • Fixed issue selecting page guides immediately after adding them

Axure RP

July 27, 2021

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Fixed a memory leak opening and closing files on Mac
  • Fixed hard crash on Mac when loading libraries with 1000+ widgets nested in a folder
  • Fixed issue updating the widget style of some widgets in the Default library
  • Fixed some SVGs importing into RP as white boxes on Windows
  • Fixed incorrect links inside dynamic panels after duplicating a branch of pages
  • Fixed ability to select Keep in front checkbox in dynamic panel Pin to Browser dialog
  • Fixed adding a new panel state via the context menu of the Outline pane

Axure RP

July 6, 2021

Feature Updates

  • Added preset desktop sizes to the Web options of Page Dimensions

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Improved memory handling when working with large images in RP
  • Improved performance loading preview in the browser
  • Fixed an issue submitting errors with multiple RP windows open
  • Fixed errors and bad rendering after multiple resizes of the Interactions pane on Windows
  • Fixed errors undoing a change to pasted multi-line text on Windows
  • Fixed “Enable Single Key Shortcuts” preference resetting after updating RP

Axure RP

June 1, 2021

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Improved memory handling working with images on Windows
  • Fixed option for Set Selected/Set Error interactions resetting when changing target widget
  • Fixed selecting a checkbox or radio button in a group/panel set to toggle its selected state
  • Fixed issues selecting some radio buttons in the RP UI
  • Fixed issue with Google Translate automatically translating non-English prototypes in Chrome

Axure RP

May 17, 2021

Feature Updates

  • Use single key shortcuts to draw widgets in a dynamic panel’s all states view
  • Link to keyboard shortcuts in RP is available via Help > Keyboard Shortcuts

Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements

  • Improved indication for selection, editing, and hover on dynamic panels
  • Fixed extra padding appearing on radio buttons and checkboxes in the HTML
  • Fixed incorrect cursor x,y values in the HTML on Windows touchscreen devices
  • Fixed very large images appearing blurry on the canvas on Windows
  • Fixed very large pages appearing blurry in screenshots of Word specifications on Windows

Version (PC & Mac)

April 29, 2021

Axure RP 10 is now available!

Find out What’s New in 10