Download Axure RP 9
Axure RP
December 18, 2024
- Please update to continue publishing to Axure Cloud from Axure RP 9. For RP 9 Team edition, this update is required to continue using team projects.
- Enhancements coming to Axure Cloud will prevent older versions of Axure RP 9 from publishing directly to Axure Cloud.
Axure RP
May 14, 2024
- Fixed Masters breaking away its nested Masters
- Fixed pages being deleted when undoing an action in the Masters pane
- Fixed Set Panel State interaction missing the Dynamic Panel target
- Fixed panning to Dynamic Panel when its state was selected in the Outline pane
- Fixed Set Opacity interaction working incorrectly with Groups
- Fixed animation type not being displayed in Interactions pane when using Set Opacity
- Fixed issue where panning using [Space] would reset crop area
- Fixed disabled buttons still working in Team Project dialogs
- Fixed shadow being included in widget size when inspected in Cloud
- Fixed retaining mixed border visibility on shapes when importing using Figma plugin
Axure RP
March 29, 2022
- Fixed issue signing into Axure Cloud for Business On-Premise accounts in RP
- Fixed crop affecting the wrong portion of images on MacOS 11 and 12
- Fixed preserve corners causing images to scramble on MacOS 11 and 12
- Fixed large images splitting across pages in the wrong order in Word Specifications
Axure RP
January 26, 2022
- Improved performance rendering large images (over 4096×4096 px)
- Improved performance copying images to RP with the Figma plugin
- Fixed errors interacting with Library pane while a library is refreshing
- Fixed very large images appearing blurry on the canvas on Windows
- Fixed very large pages appearing blurry in screenshots of Word specifications on Windows
- Fixed error after pressing Enter from empty node in tree widget
- Fixed option for Set Selected/Set Error interactions resetting when changing target widget
- Fixed selecting a checkbox or radio button in a group/panel set to toggle its selected state
- Fixed incorrect cursor x,y values in the HTML on Windows touchscreen devices
- Fixed long click event firing on disabled widgets in the HTML
- Fixed time, date, and month text fields storing input as hint text in the HTML
- Fixed issue preventing typing into a date text field with hint style in the HTML
- Fixed issues applying a widget style in the HTML if the style name includes a comma
Axure RP
February 23, 2021
- Improved memory handling on Windows and Mac
- Fixed an issue working with images on Windows that could cause out of memory errors
- Fixed error trying to publish to an Axure Cloud workspace with a long name
Axure RP
December 14, 2020
- [CTRL]/[CMD] + [8] shortcut enters Edit Connector Points mode
- Added iPhone 12 devices to preset page dimensions
- Fixed issue affecting widget visibility on some MacOS Big Sur machines
- Fixed issue using Korean IME in text fields on Windows
Axure RP
November 9, 2020
- Fixed preview issue on MacOS Big Sur when page names contain non-Latin alphabet characters
Axure RP
November 2, 2020
- Fixed widgets disappearing when scrolling or zooming on MacOS Big Sur
Axure RP
October 7, 2020
- Fixed an issue that regularly signed users out of RP
- Fixed an error getting some updates on Team Projects
- Fixed local copy out of date message showing when checking in new and deleted pages
Axure RP
September 22, 2020
- Fixed issue that could cause corruption in team project files
- Fixed issue causing local copies of team projects to bloat in size
- Fixed widgets moving to wrong location in the HTML after using animation on drag events
- Fixed issue signing into RP from an unlicensed state when using a proxy
Axure RP
September 2, 2020
- Fixed memory leak using import dialog
- Fixed a timeout issue when publishing or using team projects on Mac
- Fixed issue dragging widgets in the Outline pane on team projects
- Fixed issues using swipe or drag in prototypes on iPadOS or Microsoft Surface devices
- Fixed blank preview or error generating when page includes a blank set variable action
- Fixed issue switching prototype pages after pasting updated URL in the browser address bar
Axure RP
August 18, 2020
- Added toggle to expand or collapse all in the Outline pane (found in the filter/sort menu)
- Outline will auto-expand to show the selected widget, but no longer auto-collapse
- Fixed issue pasting from Excel or Numbers to a repeater dataset on Mac
- Fixed memory leaks opening the Page or Widget Style Manager dialogs
- Fixed memory leak using menu widgets
- Fixed error pasting text while a tree widget is selected
Axure RP
August 3, 2020
- Authentication security improvements
- Fixed various memory leaks from dialogs and images
- Fixed issues with simultaneous check ins on team projects
- Fixed bullet alignment for smaller font sizes on Mac
- Fixed issue loading image libraries on Windows
Axure RP
July 20, 2020
- Optimize Images prompt now displays when pasting multiple images into RP
- Added ability to paste an image into a repeater dataset
- Fixed issue with progress bars for team project operations
- Fixed issue with users simultaneously deleting or checking in new pages on a team project
- Fixed incorrect widget note locations when viewing a page via inline frame in the HTML
- Fixed an issue with text padding on droplists in Chrome
Axure RP
July 15, 2020
- Fixed error creating team projects on old On-Premises servers from recent RP builds
Axure RP
July 7, 2020
- Improved performance for team project operations
- Improved performance loading HTML with many selected style widgets in selected groups
- Adjusted zoom keyboard shortcut steps to match zoom dropdown
- Fixed issue with push/pull when accordion style widgets are hidden by default in the HTML
- Fixed dynamic panel scrolling to the top when showing a widget with push/pull in the HTML
- Fixed groups sometimes jumping in the Outline pane after collapsing a group at the bottom
- Fixed issues with optimizing and rendering images on Windows
- Fixed an issue setting variable values to blank via the Interaction Editor dialog
Axure RP
June 10, 2020
- Improved canvas re-rendering after zooming with scroll wheel
- Improved prototype load time for projects using lots of web fonts in dynamic panels and masters
- Fixed nested pages appearing blank on preview if their parent page has not been set to generate
- Fixed error converting a table to a dynamic panel, master, or group from an adaptive view
- Fixed issue deleting groups in the Outline pane after using show/hide in view
- Fixed an issue using the mobile cursor to scroll a mobile prototype in a desktop browser
Axure RP
May 26, 2020
- Added ability to include publish notes when publishing any project type to Axure Cloud
- Improved performance when working with connectors
- A Text Field’s current Input Type is now displayed in the context menu
- Update to assist with viewing widgets at (0,0) with dynamic panel, crop, or slice frame when negative canvas regions are turned off
- Fixed selected checkboxes becoming deselected when disabled by an interaction in the HTML
- Fixed checkboxes and radio buttons inside a selected group not appearing selected on the canvas
- Fixed drop in image quality when resizing then slicing or cropping images on Windows
- Fixed increase in file size after cropping images
- Fixed error closing a file on Mac while style effects are still expanded
- Fixed an issue copying certain font weights with the Figma plugin
- Fixed an issue entering pan mode when trying to use an IME on Windows
- Fixed issue with conditions checking dynamic panel area via Window Scrolled events on iOS
Axure RP
April 29, 2020
- Fixed errors adding linear or radial gradients to a widget style effect
Axure RP
April 27, 2020
- Updated interactions tab to expose style effects and interactive properties, and improve readability
- Improved performance when zooming via CMD/CTRL + scroll wheel
- Improved HTML load time when prototype includes push/pull interactions and lots of groups
- Fixed crash when sending all changes to a team project via the HTML generator
- Fixed Selected events on checkboxes firing twice in the HTML
- Fixed error adding a new page when Pages and Style panes are docked together on Windows
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts to indent or outdent widget notes
- Fixed issue using Enter to fire a text field’s submit button in the HTML
- Fixed mobile cursor not showing on mobile designs on Safari
- Fixed grouped dynamic panels not scrolling on mobile canvas after being shown
Axure RP
April 15, 2020
- Fixed an issue causing upgraded Team license keys to expire. If you are using the Team edition with a license key, please update.
Axure RP
April 13, 2020
- Page dimensions list to display automatically when starting a new project/page
- Allow Outline/Pages hierarchy to expand temporarily when searching for widgets
- Support specific icon fonts in Low Fidelity mode (don’t convert to Axure Handwriting)
- Added “Tips for Getting Started” for first time users
- Double-click outside of a nested dynamic panel to navigate to the parent panel
- Selection is maintained when closing out of a panel state or repeater
- Dragging widgets downward scrolls canvas more easily on Windows
- Fixed an issue that could lead to corrupted pages on team projects
- Fixed issue not allowing import from .rpteam files
- Fixed errors using low fidelity mode on pages with radial gradients
- Fixed widgets in different panel states not updating after changes to their widget style
- Fixed center-aligned fit to width text widgets moving after modifying text
- Fixed an issue with widgets treated as flyouts hiding too soon in the HTML
Axure RP
April 1, 2020
- Updated canvas indicator color when hovering over a widget
- Fixed global variable values increasing when repeaters set their value in Item Loaded event
- Fixed repeater filters not working with smart quotes enabled on Mac
- Fixed issue pasting into password fields on Mac
- Fixed issue with cursor placement in text fields when using scaled displays on Windows
Axure RP
March 4, 2020
- The design area now reflects when widgets are set to selected or disabled in Axure RP
- Added Preferences option to show thumbnails in the Pages and Outline panes on hover
- In the web browser, the prototype player frame shows the page count and current page number when the pages sidebar is collapsed
- Fixed global variables resetting in the HTML when opening a link in a new window or tab
- Fixed empty note popups showing in the HTML when note fields aren’t selected in the generator
Axure RP
February 24, 2020
- You can now disable viewing negative canvas regions in Preferences
- Outline will temporarily expand collapsed sections to expose widgets selected on the canvas
- Added Selected style effect to form widgets to allow for interactive styling or simulating error/success states
- Added empty state messages in Outline and Masters panes
- Added “no results” message for search in Outline, Pages, Libraries, and Masters panes
- Improved error handling for corrupted pages
- Made dialog and UI scrollbars easier to select and drag on Windows
- Fixed widget labels not updating immediately in the Outline after updating widget’s text
- Fixed widget positions not updating in refreshed preview after nudging with arrow keys
- Fixed page height indicator disappearing after an undo on a page with set dimensions
- Fixed groups moving to (0,0) after showing with animation during a resize in the HTML
Axure RP
January 27, 2020
- Added Low Fidelity mode to the Style pane to show pages in grayscale and with a handwriting font
- Accounts menu from the toolbar now displays Axure Cloud for Business accounts
- New pages use the page dimensions of the currently open page when added
- New pages automatically open when added
- Improved team project responses over slow or spotty internet connections
- Updated the Predictive Search widget in the new Sample UI Patterns library
- Fixed error searching for text in the Notes of a page that isn’t checked out
- Fixed spellcheck not detecting words in dynamic panels or groups
- Fixed mixed text styling on a widget not showing for masters in adaptive views
- Fixed font mapping not applying to masters in child adaptive views
Axure RP
January 7, 2020
- Format Painter now available from the Edit menu
- Updated welcome screen and tour file
- New “Sample UI Patterns” library added to the widget libraries
- Favorite colors can be reordered using drag and drop in the color picker
- Recent colors in the color picker now include document colors
- Prototype player now included when opening links in a new window/tab or popup
- Fixed images in dynamic panels not loading in repeaters in the HTML
- Fixed error switching from pages with long notes to ones without notes
- Fixed error re-showing a pane that was recently popped out and closed on Windows
- Fixed corner radius disappearing when adjacent borders are hidden
- Fixed non-left aligned text in adaptive masters shifting position after converting a panel
- Fixed issue updating Window.Height and Window.Width from Window Resized in the HTML
Axure RP
December 3, 2019
- Default library now includes tooltips linking to widget documentation
- Made canvas scrollbars easier to select and drag on Windows
- Added iPhone 11 and Pixel 4 devices to preset page dimensions
- Fixed text alignment mismatch between the canvas and the output on Windows
- Fixed interaction editor scrolling to the top after editing conditions or pasting actions
- Fixed issue selecting table cells inside dynamic panels as interaction targets
- Fixed errors targeting widgets in masters from a snapshot’s applied actions
- Fixed an error opening converted masters nested inside panels and repeaters
- Fixed issues using swipe events on scrollable dynamic panels on mobile devices
- Fixed groups not moving while other widgets animate in the HTML
Axure RP
November 18, 2019
- Added ability to unassign a submit button
- Added a maximum height for the dynamic panel editing mode state selector
- Fixed team projects reporting connection issues on large team operations
- Fixed errors on team operations after deleting a page or master during connection issues
- Fixed error editing and checking in page notes that use a non default font
- Fixed a generation issue when using mixed webfont typefaces on Axure Cloud
- Fixed occasional issue selecting widgets inside zoomed panels on Mac
- Fixed right-click interaction showing the browser context menu in the HTML
- Fixed issues using Got Focus or Lost Focus actions on text fields to target groups in the HTML
- Fixed lightbox background color not updating in the HTML on Windows
- Fixed flow icon not showing for flow type pages in the HTML player
- Fixed horizontal scrolling after a dynamic panel state change on mobile devices
- Fixed widget tables not showing widget text or interactions in specifications
- Fixed an issue nudging widgets after renaming objects in the Outline pane
- Fixed issues pasting shapes from the Sketch plugin
Axure RP
November 7, 2019
- Quickly switch between publishing to new, existing, or current links in the Publish to Cloud dialog
- Preview widgets when selecting the target of an interaction
- Added bulk selection buttons to the pages pane of HTML generators
- Fixed team projects losing their “Replace Existing Project” ID in the Publish to Cloud dialog
- Fixed condensed fonts not showing on Windows
- Fixed interactions and conditions not updating after renaming a droplist or list box item
- Fixed focus issues in the Edit Many dialog for droplists and list boxes
Axure RP
October 1, 2019
- Organized fonts list to indicate web safe fonts
- Some popular web safe fonts are now included by default
- Added option to renumber footnotes from Arrange menu
- Improved performance when editing location of large groups via the (x,y) fields
- Fixed issue selecting groups when dragging in Select Contained mode
- Fixed Ctrl+Backspace not deleting entire word when editing text on Windows
- Fixed Ctrl+Shift+Arrow not selecting entire word when editing text on Windows
Axure RP
September 10, 2019
- Improved performance working in team projects
- Improved performance when updating style properties
- Renamed interaction events for clarity and readability
- Organized interaction events into categories with headings
- Added auto refresh for image folder libraries
- Fixed error closing RP with a scrollable pane popped out on Mac
Axure RP
August 27, 2019
- Improved performance dragging a large selection of widgets
- Improved performance dragging widgets over large sliced images
- Added more filter options when selecting a target widget
- Fixed libraries not auto-refreshing on Mac
- Fixed widget property popup showing changes made to the last edited widget
- Fixed errors opening or generating pages with bad dynamic panel states
- Fixed error pasting widget notes copied from a master
- Fixed error pasting a widget to a repeater dataset on Windows
- Fixed error generating HTML of pages with repeaters that set text on inline links
- Fixed OnPageLoad/OnLoad not scrolling to widgets in Dynamic Panels in the HTML
- Fixed switching states on a scrollable dynamic panel causing page scroll on iOS
- Fixed editing connector points after switching pages
- Fixed images with shadows or filters applied appearing blurry on Windows
- Fixed issue moving Publish dialog between different scaled monitors on Windows
- Fixed bullet points not matching text color on Mac
- Fixed inverted shadows when printing to PDF on Mac
- Fixed issue setting condition to “Match Any” with a language pack installed
- Fixed issue detecting a valid subscription when an old lic.key file is in place
Axure RP
August 12, 2019
- Improved performance switching to or from large pages
- Improved performance adding, dragging, and deleting widgets
- Fixed intermittent issues copying and pasting on Mac
- Fixed issues launching Axure RP 9 on macOS 10.15
- Fixed hard crash pasting and optimizing very large images on Windows
- Fixed errors after deleting style effects from multiple widgets at once
- Fixed errors generating Word Specifications with text field interactions or deleted submenus
- Fixed Interaction Editor dialog scrolling to the top after deleting an interaction
- Fixed OnPageLoad scrolling to widgets in the HTML
Axure RP
July 16, 2019
- Memory improvements on Mac
- Line spacing field shows the current value even when it is automatically set
- Fixed drag-selecting table cells in dynamic panels and repeaters
- Fixed snapping widgets to a second guide
- Fixed new image thumbnails rendering upside down in image folder libraries on Windows
- Fixed displaced dialog contents on scaled monitors on Windows
- Fixed using flip animations for dynamic panel states via OnMouse events in the HTML
- Fixed setting rich text with strikethrough in the HTML
- Fixed error changing a droplist selection in the HTML on Windows Chrome
- Fixed lines with arrowheads appearing blurry in the HTML
Axure RP
June 24, 2019
- Fixed some memory leaks on Mac
- Fixed errors opening pages with bad connectors on Windows
- Fixed error running RP on Windows when FIPS-compliant encryption is enabled
- Fixed error nudging vector points
- Fixed fire event action not working from page events in the HTML
- Enabled single key shortcut when using an IME on Windows
- Fixed issues using Korean IME on Windows
- Fixed IME switching to English after opening and closing droplists
- Fixed an occasional error opening files from the welcome screen on Windows
- Fixed copying and pasting an image from Finder on Mac
Axure RP
June 3, 2019
- Optimized team project operations and creation of new team projects
- Fixed freezes when getting large team projects or changes
- Fixed memory leak and improved memory usage on Mac
Axure RP
May 22, 2019
- Optimized performance on high resolution monitors
- Fixed OnWindowScrollUp and OnWindowScrollDown on mobile devices
Axure RP
April 29, 2019
- Fixed a licensing issue when detecting subscriptions
- Fixed issues scrolling mobile prototypes at 100% scale
- Fixed error closing fullscreen file from inline edit mode on Mac
Version (PC & Mac)
April 25, 2019
Axure RP 9 is now available!
Find out What’s New in 9