Tips, tricks, and the latest updates

UX Trends

The Difference Between UX and UI in the Design Process

When it comes to designing and prototyping, the line between UX and UI is frequently blurred. UX and UI design are both integral parts of the product design process, and by understanding their differences, you can make the most of your design and prototyping tools to achieve an effective UX and UI.

Axure RP Tips and Tricks

Diagram with Axure RP to Build Better Solutions

Whether you’re creating a user journey map or outlining proposed solutions to present to stakeholders, diagramming often plays an integral role in the product design process. With Axure RP, you can create both simple and robust diagrams that'll help you build even better user experiences.

Axure RP Tips and Tricks

5 Quick Tips for Building Interactions in Axure RP

In Axure RP, interactions are the cornerstone of creating rich and realistic prototypes. Here are some of the most popular tips & tricks for interactions that will help you save time and become a pro at building interactive prototypes.

Axure RP Tips and Tricks

Dynamic Panels for High-Fidelity Prototyping

High-fidelity prototypes are great for user testing, demonstrating UX to stakeholders, and providing clarity for developers. And the dynamic panel widget is a powerful and flexible tool to make your prototypes more realistic. Learn more about the ways that you can use dynamic panels to make your high-fidelity prototypes stand out!

Axure Cloud Axure RP What's New

What’s New in Axure RP & Axure Cloud – September 2023

From project publishing enhancements to more organizational options in Axure RP, September 2023 was another month of exciting updates for Axure RP and Axure Cloud. Learn more!

User Stories

PROS Wins More Customers with Realistic Axure RP Prototypes

PROS provides AI-driven, cloud-based revenue and price management software used by airlines, large retailers, and more. Learn how the PROS team creates custom-tailored demos with Axure RP to present new capabilities to customers and gather usability feedback, all before development.

Tips and Tricks UX Trends

How to Choose the Correct Level of Fidelity for Your Prototype

Users love simple and intuitive products, but the design process required to get there takes considerable thought and judgement. When you’re starting work on a new software product or a new feature, the prototyping stage is a critical step, as it enables you to test product concepts before investing the effort to build them out.

Axure Cloud Axure RP What's New

What’s New in Axure RP & Axure Cloud – August 2023

Hi there! The Axure team is continuously working to bring you new features, updates, and bug fixes to both Axure RP and Axure Cloud. From new keyboard shortcuts to security enhancements for Axure Cloud, here’s a highlight of some new and exciting updates.

Axure RP Tips and Tricks

Troubleshooting Tips from Your Axure Support Team

When working with complex software tools, having access to a good support team is sometimes a must. The Axure support team is here to help you resolve any issues you may have and help you navigate through prototyping complexities. Here's some of their favorite tips!