Tips and Tricks

AxureWorld, Automated Mobile Menus, UX Map & Mobile Prototyping
If you missed this year’s AxureWorld Event on Nov. 20, not to worry. Ezra Schwartz, AxureWorld’s founder and organizer, has published videos of the presentations on the conference site.

The Axure Community on Leveraging Notes in Axure RP
The Notes feature in Axure RP is an easy way to document and communicate the intent and functionality of your designs. This can be especially useful as the developers are implementing the solution or when QA is writing test scripts based on the design.

Jeff Harrison of Evantage on How to Future-Proof Your Prototypes
You pour blood, sweat and tears into a prototype. You spend hours thoughtfully crafting every nuance of the experience. You present it, like a proud parent. Then your boss, or client, requests “just one small change.” No problem, except making that change requires you to rip apart your entire prototype.

Tips for Organizing Awesome (Axure) Meetups
You can organize your own Axure Meetup. It takes a bit of work, but to get you going, we interviewed several top organizers to share their best tips and tricks for putting together an awesome and rewarding Meetup Group.