Axure RP

Hi-Fi to Lo-Fi with the Flip of a Switch
It’s amazing how real we can make prototypes look these days, but sometimes you need your audience to forget the visuals and just focus on how the thing works.
That’s where Axure RP’s new Low Fidelity mode comes in. Turn this mode on to instantly drop the visual fidelity of any design and facilitate conversation about its functionality rather than its looks.

Import Adobe XD Designs into Axure
Attention Adobe users! Download the new Axure plugin for Adobe XD to import your designs into Axure RP or export them directly to Axure Cloud!

Making an Animated Holiday Card in Axure RP
This year we’re wishing you happy holidays with a snowflake holiday card made in Axure RP. Continue reading to see how we made the endlessly falling snow animation for Axure's 2019 holiday card and try to build it yourself.

Import Sketch Designs into Axure RP
With the new Sketch-to-Axure plugin, it's a snap to import polished designs from Sketch into Axure RP, bring them to life with rich interactivity, and add documentation for development.

Axure RP 9: Edit Dynamic Panels Inline
One of our main goals for Axure RP 9 was to make dynamic panels easier and more intuitive to work with, so we made dynamic panel states editable inline, right where they are on the canvas. Not only does this make editing states quicker, it allows you to see a state's contained widgets directly in the context of your full design.

Now more than ever, shipping software products that win customers requires the combined strengths of business, design, and technology professionals. Keeping everyone moving together toward a shared goal, however, is a struggle that too many projects face. This is why we're so excited to introduce the new Axure platform today.

Axure RP 9 Launch Pricing and Upgrades
Axure RP 9 will officially launch in just a few short weeks! If you want to get a head start on upgrading your existing perpetual licenses or purchasing some new ones, you can do that now.

Check Out in Axure RP: Dark Mode
Thanks to customer feedback, we've improved on inline editing, interaction building, and more since the initial RP 9 Beta release. Today, we're introducing one of the most requested enhancements: a dark UI mode to complement dark mode on the latest macOS and Windows operating systems.