Axure Cloud Axure RP What's New

New in Inspect: Change Panel States and View Style Effect Details

Gathering design specs from your prototypes is a critical part of developer handoff and the overall design process. With our latest updates, inspecting your Axure RP prototypes is even more robust, allowing you to easily change dynamic panel states and view the properties for style effects.

Axure RP Plugins UX Trends

Best User Testing Platforms for Your Axure RP Prototypes

After building high-fidelity prototypes, user testing is a key next step, and capturing the best information is important. With Axure RP, you can prototype and test like it's the real thing and gather important feedback and data before moving on to development. Here are some user testing tools that integrate well.

Axure RP Tips and Tricks

Prototyping for Complex User Flows

When user flows are complex, that's when you should reach for prototypes the most. Axure RP is one of the only UX tools that enable prototyping realistic and complex user flows. Here are 5 unique capabilities in Axure RP that make prototyping for complexity easy.